Hi, I am Tiago Donatti

Front-end Developer

Welcome to my small spot on the web cosmos where you can know more about me and my work. Buckle up and let’s go!

Major Tom

Intro about me

Father of two, husband and Major Explorer of this vast web development universe.

It’s been about 10 years since I accepted the mission and took off in my spaceship to the vast Web Developer Universe. It was a turbulent start with huge IE6 time sinks and painful plain CSS2 styles sheets. New mobile technology had arrived in the cosmos and I managed to change my old Flash engine into a new JavaScript based engine and was able to travel several light years ahead.

Awesomely built, easy-to-use fast apps are truly a passion of mine. I actively seek out new ‘planets’ and technologies, exploring the unknown parts of the galaxy to stay up-to-date not only with the latest industry trends but also any ‘alien’ advanced technology. ;)

If you are an explorer, like me, willing to know more about things, go straight to my Bahance and my Git Hub profile, where this angular website is there for you to explore at will.

Intergalactic messages can be sent to my e-mail contact@tiagodonatti.net

Live long and prosper

"For me, being a Senior Developer means more than just having the experience, it means that as a Senior I can understand business and product choices and make decisions and plan before coding ever happens. When it comes to coding, a Senior should be able not only to code but must importantly to code it right. Reliability, proficiency, knowledge and scalability are the Senior’s keywords."
Tiago Donatti